Thermosetting pneumatic mouoane solenoid valve etella pele khoele MP-C-011
Liindasteri tse sebetsang:Mabenkele a thepa ea kaho, Mabenkele a ho lokisa Mechini, Setsi sa Tlhahiso, Mapolasi, Mabenkele, Mesebetsi ea kaho , Khampani ea Lipapatso
Lebitso la sehlahisoa:Koala ea Solenoid
Tloaelehileng Voltage:RAC220V RDC110V DC24V
Matla a Tloaelehileng (RAC):28VA
Matla a Tloaelehileng (DC):30W
Sehlopha sa Insulation: H
Mofuta oa Khokahano:Mofuta oa pele
Matla a mang a khethehileng:Customizable
Matla a mang a khethehileng:Customizable
Nomoro ea Sehlahisoa.SB401
Mofuta oa Sehlahisoa:MP-C-011
Matla a Phepelo
Selling Units: Ntho e le 'ngoe
Pakete e le 'ngoe ea boholo: 7X4X5 cm
Boima ba 'mele bo le bong: 0.300 kg
Kenyelletso ea sehlahisoa
Mosebetsi oa inductor
1. Inductive coil flow resistance:The self-indused electromotive force in the inductor coil e lula e hanyetsa phetoho ea hona joale ea coil. Coil inductance e na le phello e thibelang ho AC hona joale, 'me boholo ba phello e thibelang e bitsoa inductance XL,' me unit ke ohm. Kamano ea eona le inductance L le AC frequency F ke XL=2mfL. Li-inductors li ka aroloa haholo-holo ka li-coil tsa maqhubu a phahameng le li-coke coke tse fokolang maqhubu. Mosebetsi oa inductor
2. Tokiso le khetho ea makhetlo:Coil ea inductance le capacitor li ka hokahanngoa ka mokhoa o ts'oanang ho theha potoloho ea tokiso ea LC. Ke hore, maqhubu a tlhaho a oscillation f0 ea potoloho a lekana le makhetlo a lets'oao le sa fetoheng, kahoo ts'ebetso ea inductive le capacitive reactance ea potoloho le eona e lekana, kahoo matla a motlakase a oscillates ho ea pele le pele ho inductance le capacitance. , e leng ketsahalo ea resonance ea potoloho ea LC. Ha resonance, inductive reactance le capacitive reactance ea potoloho lia lekana ebile lia fetoha, 'me ts'ebetso ea inductive ea kakaretso ea loop current ke e nyenyane ka ho fetisisa' me ea hona joale ke e kholo ka ho fetisisa (e bua ka letšoao la AC le f = "fO "). LC resonant circuit e na le mosebetsi oa ho khetha maqhubu, a ka khethang lets'oao la AC ka maqhubu a itseng. Mosebetsi oa inductor
3. Li-inductors li boetse li na le mesebetsi ea ho hlahloba matšoao,lerata le sefang, ho tsitsisa hona joale le ho hatella tšitiso ea motlakase. Mosebetsi oa inductor
4. Lisebelisoa tsa elektronike, hangata re bona mehele e meng ea makenete.
Mesebetsi ea lintho tsee tse nyenyane ke efe? Lesale lena la makenete le mohala o kopanyang li theha inductor (lithapo tse ka har'a thapo li pota-potiloe ka makhetlo a 'maloa ho pota-pota selikalikoe sa makenete), e leng ntho e tloaelehileng e khahlanong le ho kena-kenana le lipotoloho tsa elektronike 'me e na le phello e ntle ea ho sireletsa lerata le phahameng. E bitsoa selikalikoe sa makenete sa ho monya, 'me hangata e entsoe ka thepa ea ferrite, e tsejoang hape e le selikalikoe sa ferrite magnetic (e bitsoang lesale la makenete). Karolo e ka holimo ke selikalikoe se kopantsoeng sa makenete se nang le sekotwana se ntseng se phahama. Masale a Magnetic a na le litšobotsi tse fapaneng tsa impedance ka maqhubu a fapaneng. The impedance e nyenyane haholo ka lebelo le tlaase, 'me impedance ea lesale la makenete e eketseha haholo ha maqhubu a pontšo a eketseha. Joalo ka ha bohle re tseba, ha maqhubu a lets'oao a phahame, a khanya le ho feta. Leha ho le joalo, melapo eohle ea matšoao ha e na lera le sireletsang, kahoo mela ena ea matšoao e fetoha li-antenna tse ntle ho amohela mefuta eohle ea matšoao a bohlasoa a maqhubu a phahameng tikolohong e potolohileng, 'me matšoao ana a behiloe holim'a matšoao a fetisitsoeng, a tla fetola le matšoao a bohlokoa. , e kena-kenana haholo le mosebetsi o tloaelehileng oa lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki le ho fokotsa ho kena-kenana le motlakase oa motlakase (EM) oa lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki. Tlas'a ketso ea selikalikoe sa makenete, esita le haeba matšoao a tloaelehileng le a molemo a feta hantle, matšoao a tšitiso ea maqhubu a phahameng a ka hatelloa hantle 'me theko e tlaase.